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美しさと機能性へのこだわりが細部に凝縮された スプリングドライブクロノグラフ


Even though virtually all the entire world's quartz movements are products of automated assembly, Grand Seiko's 9F quartz caliber is assembled solely by hand.





In the 9F quartz motion, the axis of each hand is allowed to go independently, avoiding the fingers from brushing each other, eliminating twitching when the time is altered, and facilitating clean and exact movement.


The 9F quartz motion, nevertheless, features a regulation swap which makes this kind of precision control possible. If, as a result of environmental conditions or other things, a Caliber 9F view ever turns into way too quick or sluggish, the swap can be employed to proper for this sort of divergences. Homeowners who come to know read more intimately the person qualities in their look at over the years can certainly change the precision and benefit from the superior precision in their view for many years even whether it is worn in unusually large or lower temperatures or other conditions.

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